
Referencing app for mac
Referencing app for mac

The pattern releases/**-alpha in branches will match the refs/releases/beta/3-alpha Git ref. For example, defining the pattern mona/octocat in branches will match the refs/heads/mona/octocat Git ref. The patterns defined in branches-ignore and tags-ignore are evaluated against the Git ref's name. on: push: # Sequence of patterns matched against refs/heads branches: # Push events on main branch - main # Push events to branches matching refs/heads/mona/octocat - 'mona/octocat' # Push events to branches matching refs/heads/releases/10 - 'releases/**' # Sequence of patterns matched against refs/tags tags: - v1 # Push events to v1 tag - v1.* # Push events to v1.0, v1.1, and v1.9 tags Example: Ignoring branches and tagsĪnytime a pattern matches the branches-ignore or tags-ignore pattern, the workflow will not run. The pattern releases/** will match the refs/heads/releases/10 Git ref. The patterns defined in branches and tags are evaluated against the Git ref's name. For more information about glob patterns, see the " Filter pattern cheat sheet." Example: Including branches and tags If a name contains any of these characters and you want a literal match, you need to escape each of these special characters with \. The branches, branches-ignore, tags, and tags-ignore keywords accept glob patterns that use characters like *, **, +, ?, ! and others to match more than one branch or tag name. If you define only tags or only branches, the workflow won't run for events affecting the undefined Git ref. For a pull_request event, only branches and tags on the base are evaluated. When using the push and pull_request events, you can configure a workflow to run on specific branches or tags. For more information about each event and their activity types, see " Events that trigger workflows." # Trigger the workflow on release activity on: release: # Only use the types keyword to narrow down the activity types that will trigger your workflow. When only one activity type triggers a webhook event, the types keyword is unnecessary. The types keyword enables you to narrow down activity that causes the workflow to run. For example, the event for the release resource is triggered when a release is published, unpublished, created, edited, deleted, or prereleased. Most GitHub events are triggered by more than one type of activity. Selects the types of activity that will trigger a workflow run. on: # Trigger the workflow on push or pull request, # but only for the main branch push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main # Also trigger on page_build, as well as release created events page_build: release: types: # This configuration does not affect the page_build event above - created on.types You must append a colon ( :) to all events, including events without configuration. If you need to specify activity types or configuration for an event, you must configure each event separately.

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#Referencing app for mac code

For a list of available events, see " Events that trigger workflows." Example: Using a single event # Triggered when code is pushed to any branch in a repository on: push Example: Using a list of events # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events on: Įxample: Using multiple events with activity types or configuration You can provide a single event string, array of events, array of event types, or an event configuration map that schedules a workflow or restricts the execution of a workflow to specific files, tags, or branch changes. The name of the GitHub event that triggers the workflow.

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If you omit name, GitHub sets it to the workflow file path relative to the root of the repository. GitHub displays the names of your workflows on your repository's actions page.

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github/workflows directory of your repository. If you're new to YAML and want to learn more, see " Learn YAML in Y minutes."

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Workflow files use YAML syntax, and must have either a.

Referencing app for mac